Saturday, October 25, 2008


Travel and enjoy

Everyone likes to travel around the world and wants to know the most appealing places. I travel to as many as countries as I can and in my opinion of the world, all nationalities’ life style has changed. In other words after all my exiting travel, I have gotten more information than before. If you ask me about where you should travel, I will probably suggest to you, “Singapore”. I have not been to many countries, but, Singapore is an exciting and attractive country. I went there 3 years ago to study the English language. However, I really did not study the English language, because it was too short a time and there was no environment to study in, even though the official language of Singapore was the English language. Indeed, I did not want to spend all my time studying instead of enjoying myself with my friends. We always went out interesting new places and mostly, we were all the time on Sentosa Island. Sentosa Island is the one of the famous islands and if you go there you never get bored, because there are many interesting events for tourists. Moreover, I met there many nationality people, who were also traveling, and enjoyed learning about their countries, especially culture and some kinds of strange culture. Mostly, all people of Singapore are tourists and they just spend their time perfectly, because that countries government’s goal is for tourists. That way, every tourist is satisfied to travel in Singapore; also me, and it is really an ideal place to relax

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