Monday, November 3, 2008

The haunted barn

 Last week, CESL had a trip and it was postponed because of bad weather. However, after canceling the trip, the weather was very nice and everyone who planned to go was upset. For me, i really do not want to stay at home on such an interesting day, and i went to the haunted barn, because some of my friends said "it is very interesting." That barn is in Marion, and actually, it was very funny more than scary. I have never been in a scary place, even though i know a similar kind of place in my hometown. I thought i would cry because of being scared, but I almost cried because of teasing my friends. After that we went to the Pinch and i met with my friends and they wore costume. I had a very hard time recognizing them because they really could change their appearance. At this, i felt it was somewhat strange situation, because most people were drunk and they were really emotional. That's why i felt that place and stayed at my place. Next day, I heard about some people who always destroyed something and made a problem on this day in Carbondale.

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